Monday, April 16, 2012

New Adventures

Why would I start a blog? Good question. I've been thinking about it ever since I went on a 10 day (soul searching) vacation to Europe over spring break. During that time I did a lot of thinking and reflection and realized I have a lot of experiences in my 27-ish years that may help some woman somewhere. Who knows if this is really true or not, but I figured it's worth a shot. Plus I love trying new things, and having new experiences. Recently I have been really trying to push myself out of my comfort zone, and considering how much I hate writing I thought this would a good opportunity to break through another wall.
My life is a series of weird/crazy adventures. Many of my friends often ask me if I have ever had a normal day. Simply the answer is no. I think the reason for this is two fold. First of all I am a person that things just happen too. Everyone has a friend like that, I am that friend to many people. Second I don't really let myself have normal days. I like to push the envelope, I like to challenge people, I like to be challenged, and I typically can not keep my mouth shut about anything. Although sometimes it's stressful and painful, I am thankful to not be boring in any sense of the word. My ups have been high and my downs have been very low. But one constant in my life has been my mother always reminding me of one simple fact. "You are a strong and powerful woman." Believing that has gotten me through thick and thin. Hence the name of the blog. So here's to my new blogging adventure, and being strong and powerful. Let's see how things go from here...

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