Thursday, May 3, 2012


After leaving Rome we headed over to Florence. I slept most of the drive over, and it was kind of nice to give my legs and feet a break for most of the day.We stopped for in Siena for a while to have lunch and explore a little bit. Again we had perfect weather and I was thrilled to get to walk around (get a little lost) and look at all the amazing shops and arctitecture. I grabbed a quick lunch and sat in  Piazza del Campo (the center square) and people watched for a while. There were people there from all over, Americans, Italians, Brazilians, French, everything. It was fun to see people interact with the locals and bask in the warm sun.
Piazza del Campo
Piazza del Campo
The lunch of champions

After a leisurely lunch, I decided to walk the streets and explore. I wandered through all the back streets and got all turned around very quickly and was hopelessly lost for a while, but there's only so many streets you can go on before you finally make it back to the main square. It was a weird feeling, because I was lost in a country where I didn't speak the language, but I never felt unsafe I was never even that worried, which is a pretty big deal for me since I am always anxious. I was just really enjoying turning every corner and seeing something new and beautiful. Case and point below:

The best gelato shop ever

I bought a ton of little sounivers here. I am still disappointed I didn't buy this hand painted Olive Oil container that I adored. I didn't want to pay 35 euro for it, but clearly it would have been a good investment since I am still thinking about it.

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