Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Moving on up

Tomorrow I am leaving Texas for five days to head up to my home town Rochester, NY. Although I won't be in Rochester for very long because I will be headed up to my alma mater Clarkson University. I am excited to see the campus and how it has changed, but I am most excited for this trip because I get to see my little sister (who is apparently not so little anymore) graduate from college. I am proud for many reasons. One, I know what she went through to get here having graduated from Clarkson myself. Two, she survived college way better than I did. She stayed focused, got amazing grades (almost straight A’s for 4 years), and already has a job lined up in CT. In other words WAY more successful than I am. I am looking forward to relaxing with her, her boyfriend and my family in Potsdam and celebrating this amazing accomplishment. I am so lucky to have such an amazing family and be able to travel home for this special event.

4 years ago at Meredith's high school graudation

1 comment:

  1. Tell Meredith we said congrats!!
    Patty, Dave and the girls
