Thursday, June 7, 2012


Well day 2 was a little less eventful then day 1. I only got about 3 hours of sleep because I slept so much during the planes rides, but I was ready to go at 6:30am when the bus came to get me to take me to Capri for the day. I slept for most of the 3 hour bus ride, and we got to Naples at 11 and caught the 11:10 boat to Capri. It was 50 minutes by boat and I didn’t get sick once and the waves were pretty crazy at points. (thank you scopolamine patch). I opted to take a boat to the blue grotto so as soon as we got off the boat we boarded another bus that us up the windy mountain roads to get the other side of the island. I saw Mt. Vesuvius while were driving, and I can’t wait to see it closer when I go to Pompeii with my mom and sister at the end of the month.
 Capri from the dock
Blue Grotto Entrance
 1 meter high!!

So once we got to the grotto entrance we had to wait a while but it was sure worth it. Each boat hold about 4 people and you must lie completely flat to make it through the 1 meter high entrance. Once you get in the cave the water is the prettiest blue you have ever seen and the whole cave is lit up by the water. Most of my pictures are blurry because my camera didn’t like to dark cave with a few bright spots.
After this adventure we went straight to lunch where I had seafood risotto (which tasted very similar to my Aunt Lowell’s amazing paella), bake sole, and of course gelato! We got to wander around Capri for about 2 hours afterward. I stayed pretty close the area we were in after getting so lost last night. It was neat to try all the different Limóncello’s (I did get a bottle of my favorite) and watch the massive amounts of cobblers that let you design your own shoe and then they make it right in front of you. If they weren’t 100 Euros I would have considered a pair :-p
Unfortunately we had to leave Carpi and head back to Rome where I picked up a late night pizza for myself with Truffle Oil, Mozzarella, Gorgonzola, Mushrooms, and pumpkin flowers.
Tomorrow I met my shuttle at the airport at 10am to head to the east coast of Italy where I will be working this summer. It’s about a four-hour drive and by the end of the day I should be settled in and have met my new roommates.
I’m proud of myself because I have yet to have a major freak out, even a minor one of that matter. Yesterday during the creepy cab ride I kept my cool and handled it with poise and grace. Maybe I was really on to something with this trip!

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